About Me

Welcome to my personal website. My name is Justin Nguyen and I'm an Ottawa-based Web Developer. I love travelling, hanging out with friends, playing video games, working on my car, and above all else developing for the web. I have been in the web development industry for years and knew I'd want to pursue a career in this field since I was a child.

UI/UX Development

To me, first impressions are always the most important. If you were to look at two competing apps/websites--regardless of functionality and reliability--chances are you'd choose the nicer looking package. I've always challenged myself by designing various UI/UX applications while trying to avoid compromising usability.

My personal UI/API project using the TMDb API called Aggregate Movie Puller (AMP) v2.
I divide each section/API call into separate files and JavaScript objects. Aggregate Movie Puller (AMP) v2.
Front End Development
A good design requires proper front end coding. I've worked with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many of their associated libraries and frameworks (Bootstrap, jQuery, Vue.js, AngularJS, Angular, React.js). Not only does code have to be properly documented and organized in each file, they also need to be modular for larger scale applications.
Recent Work
Here is a list of some personal projects I've done during my limited free time.
Notes App
React.js HTML CSS JavaScript
This app was built to try out Google Firebase' backend tools. Firebase--for web apps at least-- has been a very easy-to-use SDK. Within about two hours I was able to build full registration/authentication/navigation to the app without having any prior knowledge to their backend tools beyond push notifications. This project is ongoing and its source code can be found here.
Aggregate Movie Puller (AMP) v2
jQuery HTML CSS JavaScript
This was a very early project that, even though the infrastructure is old, I'm very proud of it as it was my interpretation of a single page application (SPA). The states transfer over using native browser functions and reads query parameters as well. Feel free to check out the demo by clicking on the image above or the source code by clicking here.
Spoonity SDK
This is an SDK I've been working on to help developers jumpstart their custom app development on the Spoonity production API. Easily-identifiable method names and renamed JSON response cut out the unnecessary data meant for internal use.
Spoonity NativeScript App
Angular NativeScript JavaScript TypeScript
Leveraging a slightly older version of my SDK, this is a full NativeScript app for both iOS and Android that I built to demonstrate how quick it was to churn out a functional app with the SDK in a matter of hours. Login, store locations, rewards page are designed by myself while I designed the others to mimic the native iOS UI. Feel free to check out the source code by clicking here.
PokéAPI Helper
This is a quick Javascript-based wrapper to help developers take advantage of the PokéAPI without needing to memorize their long endpoints. It is built using ES6 syntax and fetch. It is currently published on NPM and can be installed from there via `npm install pokeapi_helper`.
Animal Crossing New Horizons React Native App
React.js React Native JavaScript
This app uses the Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH) API. The UI is taking inspiration from the in-game phone while incorporating personal touches for non-existing features in-game such as search, lists, etc. Feel free to check out the source code by clicking here.
TMDb Ionic App
Ionic Angular HTML CSS JavaScript
Currently a work-in-progress, this app so far is a simple card-displaying mobile app built in Ionic which uses the TMDb API. Feel free to check out the source code by clicking here.
Hacker News
React.js HTML CSS JavaScript TypeScript
This was one of my more recent collaboration projects to learn some basic React.js. The UI is a simple white dashboard with news cards. I chose the card format because of the API provided very little in the form of consumable data in the response body. Feel free to check out the demo by clicking on the image above or the source code by clicking here.
OCDR Ottawa Rules App
Now-defunct hybrid information app. Small collaboration project meant as a quick guide to some Ottawa health-related subjects. Work done being icon design and some UI design.
Deluxe Canopy Shopify Website
Shopify Liquid HTML CSS Shopify Timber
An ongoing project with an old client. I provided the original design and store functionality and it has evolved since along with branding. Emphasis was more on learning the Shopify Liquid syntax.
Car Infotainment UI
jQuery HTML CSS JavaScript
I've noticed that a lot of car manufacturers built overly complicated UIs that were sluggish and confusing. This UI I did years ago was what I thought would be an optimal touch-friendly UI for vehicles with four simple entertainment, navigation, warnings, and settings buttons. Feel free to check out the demo by clicking on the image above or the source code by clicking here.
RAWG Angular
Angular HTML CSS JavaScript TypeScript RAWG API
Work in progress. In search of a front end project with a free API that provided images, I luckily found the video game API called RAWG. Aside from images, it provided plenty of data including genres, publishers, developers, ratings, reviews, and much more. Feel free to check out the demo by clicking on the image above or the source code by clicking here.